Serving Sustainability and CSR Clients since 2008.
We’re here for you, too.
+ one of the oldest sustainability branding agencies in the South.
As an eco marketing and sustainability communications agency, we apply a unique lens to advocacy, business strategy, content creation, digital solutions, media and the rest of our expertise. Here’s what some of that looks like from a sustainable perspective:
Sustainable Oceans
We’ve collaborated with some of the largest ENGOs in the world in protecting the most endangered animals on earth. From Environmental Defense Fund and Ocean Conservancy to regional fishing organizations on three coasts, we’ve worked on red-listed species, electronic monitoring programs, catch shares, turtle excluders, bycatch, allocation and a host of other issues of interest to local, regional and national resource authorities, including NOAA.
Health, Wellness & Safety
Sustainability is not only crucial for our planet, it’s vital for people, too. So we champion clients in health, wellness and safety whenever possible. One example is the guidance we provide The Vigilance Group as they empower every day Americans against gun violence, school shootings and escalating threats to public safety. We’re also active in the hospice, assisted living and independent living industries, helping to care for aging Americans.
Sustainable Destinations
From DMOs, DMCs and CVBs to individual properties, events and festivals, our Sustainable Destinations™ program establishes a comprehensive strategy around noteworthy assets you may not realize you have. Sustainable Destinations™ removes the guesswork for your guests while positioning your operation as environmentally wise and sustainably strong. Almost 80% of U.S. adults consider themselves “environmentally conscious.” Let’s make it easy for them to love you.
Certified Green Events
Do your events make the right kind of impact? Our Certified Sustainable® agenda audits 40 resource areas in five categories to identify resource and mission reductions that will minimize negative community impact. Sustainability executives from across the U.S. contributed to our scoring system which minimizes impact through more responsible event choices. Small footprint, big results.
Organic and Natural
“Organic” has special meaning for digital marketers but the word carries extra clout around our shop. Promoting organic and natural products isn’t as simple as slapping on a label and a claim. We’ll convert your sustainable merits into business and consumer desire, but we’ll also ensure the FCC (which regulates truth in advertising) will love your story, too. Our work here has included national grocers, sustainable chefs, beverages, landscape operations and more.
+ dedicated to three pillars we’re proud of.
We‘re dedicated to responsible use and reuse of resources within our business operations, and we actively seek clients who are conservation-minded, too — from one of our newest (world renowned vintage truck restorer Possum Holler Garage), to one of our first (innovative water conservation device), SinkPositive. Some clients emerge with exceptional vision, others need help finding their way. Regardless of where you are, we can develop the right communications and marketing strategies to exceed your goals. Let’s get to work!
Corporate Sustainability
Sustainability is a set of complex concepts and disciplines that often escape the average consumer. At Envolve Strategies, we create connective tissue between regular people and data-minded, process-trained biologists, engineers and scientists. We unite corporations with the partners, consumers and constituents they need in order to move their business and sustainability agendas forward. Here’s an example of how that looked to sustainability innovators Bridgestone Americas. What challenges and opportunities does sustainability present you? Let’s explore the many ways we can help.
Since our founding, we’ve been a leader in environmental affairs. We’ve enabled grassroots recycling programs, disposal campaigns for prescription drugs, and Green Team plantings of thousands and thousands of trees. We’ve upcycled millions of cigarette butts into useful second-life products. We’ve also promoted a stormwater protection system that geo-matches volunteers to critical infrastructure. In all cases, we build movements that people want to be involved with. Our record is exceptional on this.
+ Nashville’s most eco-conscious marketing firm for years.
Sustainable / Eco Friendly / Green Agency services:
Advocacy Programs
Certified Sustainable Events
Corporate Sustainability Storytelling
Eco Friendly Products
Employee Engagement Programs
Environmental Impact Reports
Environmental, Social and Governance Reports (ESG)
Green Media Outreach and Placement
Green PR
Green Team Events
Sustainability Communications
Low Impact Print and Production Options
Sustainability Engagement Programs
Sustainability Program Design
White Glove Sustainability Services:
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reports
ESG Reports
Sustainability Reports
Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research
Stakeholder Alignment Initiatives

Our fisheries practice is prolific, serving clients on three coasts and two oceans since 2009.
From endangered reef fish to bio-engineered oyster spat, we’re proud of the impact we’ve had on maintaining healthy oceans.