We’re “Semrush Certified” for Digital Marketing

Lots of agencies and web consultants sell websites with SEO, keywording and “on-page best practices” in their package. It’s astonishing how many of these agencies either don’t know what they’re doing, or are intentionally not delivering on their contracts.

(Pro Tip: If you’ve recently implemented a new website, be sure to talk this over with your technologist or agency responsible. Make sure you received all the SEO you were promised!)

One way to increase the likelihood that you’re in good hands is to check your agency’s actual credentials. It’s not just how long they’ve been building websites, but also how much SEO experience they have, and how recent their certifications. Technology changes constantly so you want to make sure your technologists are keeping up with the times.

We’re proud to be “Semrush Certified” for Digital Marketing, which puts Envolve Strategies in the top 25% of agencies utilizing the Semrush platform for keyword research and online ranking data, including metrics such as search volume and cost per click (CPC).

Need a second opinion on your SEO? We’re always glad to help.


Clutch names Envolve Strategies among Tennessee’s Top Branding Companies


A Shout Out from Sustainability Influencers Amra & Elma